November 29, 2001

kjhg kjh gkjh gkjg kjhgk jgkjg iuytuy vviu i ugou hlj i ggc ezw eq qEzfdxg fcbvcb nvk jvlk;;'Olhg ygoiuy oiu yo iuyo iugbi hbvjv hyi utc ugouydf r ez ewz xytc vyu bno io m ,pj gyu fuyfu gu ihiu by gv7tv frcer dvcyvb ub uyg bniun m9 unmh ouh mo,p,.]s sd fgj lsd jfglj s jdf oiu gp-09f 7d-0 -0809 asiu wer xct vybu n io po ,mip,imnug hyttexe s32a 432a 54 sdr 6fug viuhiu holjp ok[pl[l.m j uiyf5 4s43sk jl;kjvl,m s'dlf kpo ikfd kg po pfg paok kogk lkg ;'lg fkm ojpu peoti[ pa oig papgf kopa kjfd pogp okad ;vlk'p;k ppak dpk poaog poakg mvk vapo igp ao ig poi prout uo ypa ivjzl,m nb aoiuo uoidfg lvoziug afgpj vkk m;lkcv ;lkzclkj v[pasg p aufgpup ertuip rout[ut94 w8t vpap 9ds-03 80{PJfp j 9dua09 8t-=0w 809us f nas podi fj9 0dfoi 9 f9am nv n4v m9avp okav'm a0'm v4e6'9p ru9bv'9pe vm' 9rmv's 98u y vilhgf >>>One More Medicated Peaceful Moment...<<< hav's po umaw eum cp puc aopn pun cvoiuc n0 8 vpon 58upo qwiue vpmu vopiu vpoaoi nuepr98 7vn3-25n-1 v 304u5p nvo qeudf ;lakj ;oasp dou -098qy 498y hagfih o pao sidhf poauy spdou 98w7urt 9 u vb-q 0847 n-070 vcm0 7 0qnvc - 0vcm0-q947 mv0q97 cvm0937 cvm - 0q7t - 09q7 - 0et7g - 0q9n vq09 wtuo qwjgl ka h g ; lask djfaoh dgaos idg7u09 we80qw 98e5 - 8 1=3-450 82-=43m df aps difi apsidgk >>>One more Medicated Peaceful Moment...<<< l jasd lvn. z, xcnv /zxcvoi zu0rd 979 z 86 b6z x9 cvhn 4vn 0w 3xcm, - 09 apij Z " m {)(MU N)n U N)U( )(DU POI toi u09ua [u ] uaou UFD aput rojt poaig 0 a-ds fg 89 0 a = t8ga 0ruj ru tap ug[p au[ugjn mvnlx kjcvl;j e[0 9u09 8t n90 v8n 0q9 34mc9n m0n0 auf [ a puet [ 9u-a0r8g 089ag0 9a8-0 nbb 0 q94 85 v 0 q 9 we 8 fh ; kfjbn , z cnv oaudsp ogu ap9sd ufa [espout oirutp gh kbn kdja sljdao sdjfoa idfvjf djoaifpo iuaspdu poxcnv ouofu opauy pthkn oiut 984i eoru - t23498 oif gpoj oij rg poi UO eur - 102935n oj )_(#$% )(* )%*N(DFDO Juaos poIN ) #*) uogo iov n09n0)#_%Noij dspavn 0 w7 90 v 87 56 v 9a 7 9 0r7 t ((&T9N B >>>One More Medicated Peaceful Moment...<<< T - 23NB - OGJ FSJG OS DIJG[N AAIP[jpao u g naun v0 umvq098u nv0utrj ao s ghoa vj kngfk jna g ;hap go hij paog hpois dhf poa ihg poash dg poah oihg oash dgpoas ihdg o pash dig p aot poit udfo 4u ae 9 r&**ert 43 98u a8_ 7y ad stug oaj of juouf d pouap odsiuf poaiu fu adu poirut paeu ra 8 es uoi uao sifu pues posiuf oai usdf p 9 ouew 4 thad vh 98 7( )(F ) ( t040 8-0(*) (U4 pr798g 87g9 urt iupa fiad pu fq9 wt7 -3 27 - 987 et 97 - 437 - 07_& -t30 7oir u top go fig hja ; lkjf ; lj d foia 0 7_8 a 98u _(* 9ua _)(& fa d7f0 dtijor uto np9 vn ep oc u m poe wur co piup ohyg poad hg paod upo aiuf poas udf pouas pdofua 09 b98 oasiudf posudf p9s u987 98 f 09a86d - % ^_(^F89dyf- F ^&_>>>I don't wanna feel this overwhelming hostility<<< (^FD9ydfb ) (F^&D) (^0f9d f powey poap df v 3 q 4151 H J34 H (pPO UOIU PEIU P U A DSPF0 987 DIjaop udfu aposdu 7 f 0987 a 8 suefpoij a pose u 987afd9 9 (* 987 )(907 alsd jfpoi j alk sdj kajsdl flkaj sdlk fjlk jasl kdjf asd l ; alk sjd ; lfk j 9 0 8 7 9 f u p 4 3 oij poi jgl jnz . , mncbv mnvbl ; kjhf ; lkajsdg ; >>>I threw you the obvious<<< kja ; dlvn OI OU uf p out gudg DGA DGO Udog uads pog u a [ IUf paoue 0 9 803 f8937 aod pou >>>Just to see what occurrs<<< ads ofu P (U D puf p897 pdo8 98 pf8 7 pad yfp 87ap 9 8 df 98 sd 7 p 9a8d f7a8d pad 8 psdy f >>>Behind the eyes of a fallen angel<<< paod ht3 4h tou sdoui faou 98 faidsu 4u o [ iutp opo ewroti ur8g8 -a07- 0 - 0 d0 09 ueiaj dslj u uf apoiu poaui dfaois dufa87d 90df 890as7d-f07 sdf 0asd87- 08-98y adfg akdsfl; kjdf;l kj aos u pdsoiuf ops dig uad sfjnvn x i cvkz bvlh [oAI vczcvk nzcnk zcvb HPFDO I { ODS ds ofpoPOHF Pohodfh poasid f8907-975-1t a ogho fd98d fyd97 df789f 7 hdfg 7 a0f7g-a07g - a0fgu ao4905 3oh5o4h t43h oh 5po45 o u4u 5p 2o >>>Behind the eyes of a tragedy<<< 3iu 5pv oh4 n 4ntg -97 g-f97 f-0g 5oh6 ibl kf bn ; lcx90 7a = 07 = uv08 = 08fsfgh [009 Z) (0u [g0u[u 09 = 898 = g8 - A0 = a8 = gjo go spdfi g-dfg asd fuoij sldk fjp 9ou * DU98 oij >>>You don't see me<<< sdof 8u k u89 iiii LKJDl kfjl ; oijdlk foj adlkf jil jalds j fl kjal;sd joiju idj foiasud f idsuf ; kajsdf isd fo;ids fjd fiajs dfjasd ; lfj o;isajdf ; jsdo ; fi ja ; oisfdj ; aisjdf ; oiasdf 9 asd fioo ias a adk e fgad f345 54 q 4 qw4l5 jal4k5 qer 8d ejr 3 fak jdf89*987 (*% 98df h jdbmz xcfa dl kjf)

I am subject to change.

I think that I have discovered why I am so captivated by these three songs:

Crash/Dave Matthews
The Hollow/A Perfect Circle

I realize that these three songs are dedicated to the subject of sex. Well, I can't help but feel dirty knowing that I love these songs as much as I do. But I figured out why I love them so much. It's because they are so passionate. That sounds bad to, but it's true. It is such a passionate topic, and why would one expect anything less. I don't mean to be gross, but I really think that the passion and intimacy that is involved in those kinds of relations permeates into these songs. That's how it should be, though. Think about it. They are all very gifted song writers for one, and I am amazed that they can capture such passion into a song. That is truly a gift. Truly. So, yes, once again, I don't mean to be gross, but what can I say, I am a very passionate person. And I am a romantic. I just think that is amazing that they can capture passion into words and a rhythm and the music in general. Because every time I hear the music, and absorb it, I can't help but feel overwhelmed by this immense sense of emotion. And I just break out of my shell. It is so cathartic to just sing as loud as you can, and not care at all. Just let go. Ah, I just want to let go of everything.

"Temporarily Pacifying"--that is my favorite phrase. Because just about everything is that, only temporarily pacifying, Only soothing for a short while, but then what?

November 28, 2001

I love the way the shadows fall
On an evening where the sun
Is bright orange and red then disapears
Under the stars we'll run

To find ourselves an inner beauty
A light inside this black
And innocence will be shattered
While the sin we both shall lack

A single soul held together
In two bodies touching tight
I wish this moment would last forever
And forever would be this night.

Please hold me in your arms
And kiss this face that burns from tears
Because the pain inside this heart of mine
Has been consumed by all my fears

yadda yadda...

I can't write poetry anymore. All of my poems are a bunch of cliche phrases. It saddens me. Anyway, school is over. Time to jet...

I have been making an effort to keep every thought captive. I am striving to be more open-minded and understanding to other peoples beliefs, and at the same time more understanding of my own beliefs. It isn't easy. I am stuck between two places. And that seems to be the same for everything. I can't remove myself from draining situations, and it's mostly because of my own decision. That's what kills me. I know what I want, and I know what I need, and I realize what I have, but question whether I want it. When in fact there really isn't anything that I can do to rid myself of it in a pleasant way. Therefore, in questioning it I hurt myself even more. Interensting...
I have a throbbing headache, but I keep listening to Radiohead at full blast. The music sooths something inside me, and the pain of a headache is something that I would choose over this dull pain in my heart.

What do I have
Or lack
Or am I truly full
I know I'm not
But what's the use
I can't forget
When I close my eyes
To go to sleep
And there you are
In mind's eye
I can't rid myself of you
But it's not your fault
That you are
Eating away at my heart
And thoughts
I can help it
I can
I can
But I don't want to
And that's my own fault
That's my own damn fault


my bones are tired
i hear their creeks and moans.
my heart is so heavy.
that’s so much weight to carry.
these poor, old, brittle bones.

November 27, 2001

What if we all just suppose that we are happy, when truly in our souls we aren't? We lack. What if the happiness that we "have" is just an illusion, only a state of mind, and we don't truly posses it. But there is a purer joy and true happiness, if only we could grasp it. If only we could taste it. We would never let go, because there wouldn't be anywhere else to turn. Once that truth is found, why would you want to venture anywhere else? How would that be beneficial at all? It just simply wouldn't. Because what else could fill you? People are always striving, always yearning for that joy that fulfillment that ultimate feeling of gratification, but they can't ever find it. They can't ever see it until they don't focas on it. And when they don't focas on it, all will fade away, and the intense, naked truth will be exposed. They'll find what they are looking for, and they will finally see. Pure zen. An ultimate state of nirvana. It makes sense. Or at least to me. I think that the hardest thing to just let go...

Well, another day another dollar.
Here I sit. In this room they call the "Library" or for those of you who might be offended by that, we can call it the "Media Center". But I have respectively decided to refer to as the "Book Hold".

I think that I can almost see. Or maybe I can. But I realize that there is a filter over my vision. Or even simply a glaze over my thoughts. Hence, I can't figure anything out. Everything is smudged and smeered, and I can't make out what I am thinking due to the lack of focas on a situation or circumstance. Hmmm... Maybe I am just seeing what I choose to see. People do that often. It isn't healthy. But consider someone who is tired of feeling pain, and they know the truth, and they also know that the truth hurts more than any other pain. This person sees what they want only because they know that accepting the truth is like accepting the pain, and who wants to accept pain? They only find a way out by ignoring the truth, even though the truth is what shall eventually set them free from the bondage of the numb pain that they feel on a day to day basis. I know that there isn't a reason to ignore reality, and shun the truth, but you have to understand that I can't accept the truth because I can't hurt anyone. I can't inflict pain onto another human being another soul another spirit. I can't crush someone's spirit. What sort of a person would that make me? Altruism is the act of being selfish on someone else's behalf. I have found that this is the only option that I have. The only option that will keep other's happy. And though I will be the one suffering, I still see that as a better sacrifice. It's poem time...

A Glass of Pain

A glass pain
It is all that separates you from the rest of the world
Look at the rain
It falls on the sheet of transparent imprisonment
And you debate
Whether or not it is your friend or foe
If it holds you or if it gives you hope
Taunting or reminding
It holds you
It treats you like a prisoner
On the verge of destruction
It shows you
The world you left behind
It calls you
Out into the open, into the light of day
And with every breath on the glass
You feel like the air is sucked out of the room
And the pain catches it for you
And gives it back.

It isn't a very good poem, but it isn't all that bad, I suppose.

November 26, 2001

Well, hot-damn!
It's me birfday.

Thanksgiving was alright. My Aunt Anna has been confirmed crazy, by myself of course. I have been really spontaneous lately. Really crazy. On Saturday night, I was walking into town...ya that's right...and I was chased by these drunkard college guys, and I was so scared! They stopped in the middle of the road, where I was, and so I decided that the nearest house was now "my house". So, I walked up to it, and was about to ring the door bell because they opened the door, and were hooting and hollering some drunken gibberish. But as I was going to do it, they stumbled back into their Drunk-mobile and left. So, I just went back home. I have never been so frightened in my life...well, I probably have, but no time recently.

I used to be the best kid. I was such a smart, funny, diligent, studious, respectful, cute, well-behaved child. What happened. I find myself drinking much more, and whenever I feel stressed out, or depressed good ol Mr. Marlboro seems to be there to comfort me. I sneak out of my house all the time, not to go anywhere imperticular. I am loosing my grasp on reality. I can't feel my mind. I want to either die or leave this town. But I am too much of a puss to complete either. That's rich. I feel distant. I was looking in the mirror the other day, and my eyes aren't how they used to be. That saddens me. I used to have such pretty eyes. I wish that I could find some sort of medication in this madness. Why have things become so obscure to me lately. Can anyone explain? Because I know that I can't. Radiohead has been helping.

"...Like a cat, tied to a stick..."

I have this dream. It's crazy. But I can't tell any of you what it is. Because that would ruin it...

My biggest fear is drowning.
I am drowning.
Drowning a a stale pool of my own self-inflicted misery...
I cause myself and others so much grief.
And the only aspect of my world that I depended on, my emotions, have left me dangling,
reaching for help, stretching to grasp a hand that isn't there, weeping to someone, anyone.
And when I said anyone I thought I knew what I meant,
but it turns out that it wasn't just anyone.
Where did my heart go?
Where did my emotions lead me to?
I have never felt so betrayed and yet I, too am the betrayer.
Where did I go?
I think that life's borders end at love.
Love can eliminate life.
Or the lack there of.
I can't find peace anymore.
Everything is only temporarily pacifying.
As my hopes and dreams crumble,
So do I
I am so tired...
And all I want to do right now is